- CLICK HERE to view the PDF, or
- View it on Copper Knob at copperknob.co.uk/stepsheets/el-paso-p-ID56576.aspx
B. Youtube Videos:
- youtu.be/mdSp9hJkiok - EL PASO by ‘POTCOMNAT’ (2:17) <=> Narration is in ??French, but it's a good walkthrough, and then dance to music.
- - youtu.be/bRJOMWFp8Yw - EL PASO Line Dance, by ‘frederab’ (3:47) <=> Narration is also in ??French, but it's a good walkthrough, and then dance to music.
- - youtu.be/LDoH06cg3CU - El Paso Couples Circle Dance (Walkthrough), by ‘Dancinjim11’ (9:29). Video repeats parts for reinforcement; jump to about 6:00 to see complete walkthrough. Note he turns the lady 'right' instead of the usual 'left' turn of this dance.
- - youtu.be/sUYrwQvKkag - El Paso Couples Circle Dance (With Music), by ‘Dancinjim11’ (4:20)
_ - youtu.be/ijO87M4CA6Y - El Paso, by ‘slydale1’/Jack & Vi (4:16). A little dark at beginning, shows several variations (dance only).
- - youtu.be/JO2TbIP1d20 - EL PASO, by ‘wallylmaggie’ (2:25). Recorded in outdoor stadium, costumed dancers (dance only).
- - youtu.be/DzaHnOTclNs - El Paso Danse Country en couple, by ‘frederab’ (3:47) Recorded outdoors on stage (dance only).
- - youtu.be/-KoiEh7kVHc - El Paso, danse country, cours de danse sur DVD, by ‘Gerard Contant’ (4:31). Narration is in ??French, good walkthrough, then dance to music.
- LINE DANCE version: youtu.be/x-xY8r8lHls - El Paso Line Dance (Walkthrough), by ‘Dancinjim11’ (6:43). Appears to use same steps as couple version, except in final 4 shuffle steps, he does quarter-turns to keep the dance contained to the center of the floor.
- - youtu.be/MZp_VIPPngQ - El Paso linedance, by ‘Lbwpretty2’ (4:18). Done with more ‘soul’ music, mostly singles, 1 or 2 couples visible partway through.